K A L I K A音楽療育センター
(K A L I K A: Center for Adaptive Piano and Music Therapy)



生徒さんの自宅の場所によっては、ご自宅での訪問レッスンも可能です (詳細は”料金”のページをご覧ください)。


The KALIKA Center for Adaptive Piano and Music Therapy offers lessons for individuals with special needs.

Lessons can also be provided in the student’s own home depending on the location (please see “Fees” page)

Sessions can be conducted in Japanese, English, or a combination of both.

KALIKA (カリカ)の由来

The origin of the name KALIKA

KALIKA という言葉は、ギリシア語では‘バラの芽’、‘バラのつぼみ’を意味します。またヒンディー語では‘励まし’、誰かに力や元気を与える意味を持ちます。生徒さんひとりひとりのユニークな発達の開花に向かって先生・療法士が助けをする、という意味でつけられました。


KALIKA means ‘Rosebud’ in Greek and ‘Empowerment’ in Hindi. This name was chosen to signify the owner’s goal: to assist each student‘s unique developmental path through various musical experiences.

The owner originally wanted a name that came from the names of her three children. When she combined the first two letters in each of their names, it turned into ‘KALIKA’, which happened to perfectly match her vision for RYOIKU – Japanese word that means ‘therapeutic education’!